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Work Structure and Hours

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Postpartum Care Specialist Work Structure



Commuting Service

The postpartum care specialist commutes to and from the mother’s home to provide postpartum care.
(9:00 AM to 6:00 PM)

Live-in Service

The postpartum care specialist resides at the mother's home to provide postpartum care.
(From 9:00 AM to 9:00 AM the next day)

Hybrid Model

A hybrid model of commuting and live-in care is used, where live-in care is provided during the early postpartum period,
and the service transitions to commuting care in the later stages.

Postpartum Care Specialist Working Hours


Commuting Service

Live-in Service

Working hours

Monday to Friday: 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Weekends: Off (Saturday and Sunday)

From 9:00 AM to 9:00 AM the next day

Break Time

1 hour per day

3 hours per day

Traditional Holidays

Time off is standard. (If work is required on these days, the same rates apply after prior agreement.)

Holidays and Sunday work

- Working 5 days a week. Sundays are generally off unless otherwise agreed upon.
- Work on public holidays can be arranged upon agreement. Time off during these periods will automatically extend the service period.
- For long-distance or remote services, the specialist works continuously without vacation. (Example: 20 days for a 4-week period)